The Kungfujackrabbit Charger on Google maps!

I know its the little things in life that we sometimes get excited about......
Anyhow one day at lunch me and the guys were coming in to work and saw the Google maps camera car.
So I flipped the car around in our parking lot at Meggitt and chased him down real quick. Like i said its the little things, but for any of you that dont know me, I really dig that car.

So i figured lets get it on google!!data=!1m8!1m3!1d3!2d-84.064661!3d34.061131!2m2!1f189.45!2f85.22!4f15!2m9!1e1!2m4!1sqCYeex_ASnRiBCukXrcbFw!2e0!9m1!6sBrogdon+Road!5m2!1sqCYeex_ASnRiBCukXrcbFw!2e0&fid=5


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